Items filtered by date: April 2020

Wednesday, 06 May 2020 03:00

Get Photo Ready

It seems like it has been weeks since we’ve been in this stay at home order, and our thoughts are certainly with everyone who has been sickened by COVID 19. In any ordinary setting, many of us would be packing our bags and getting ready to take a much needed spring or summer vacation. However, we are now living with the reality of our lives being turned upside down, and the “travel blues” have begun to set in.

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Of course the best way to cure the blues is to take a trip, but since that unfortunately is not a possibility right now we’ve thought of some other remedies that we hope will do the trick. Go through some of your photos from past vacations. There’s a saying “every picture tells a story,” and a nice vacation story can certainly lift your spirit. You will not only recall the obvious… where you were or what you wore, but also the not so obvious memories. And if the pictures are still on your phone or camera, pick out a few favorites and have them printed, enlarged and framed.

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You can take it a step further and really examine the photo to see what you could have done better. And then practice. Things to take into consideration: lighting, focus, angling, and posing. Familiarize yourself with the functions on your camera and give yourself a mini course in photography. Practice outside pictures, inside pictures, night and daylight, sunrise and sunset.  Get used to taking pictures and you will be surprised at all how great your photos will be.

And soon enough, you will be taking amazing photos, travel restrictions will be lifted, and Rubinsohn Travel will be ready to help you get away.  

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Published in Our Travel Blog